Woodinville Toddler Group | Play. Learn. Explore.

Woodinville Toddler Group is a cooperative parenting education program where parents and their infants or toddlers can create, learn, and explore...together!



Woodinville Toddler Group is based on the philosophy that children learn best through play! We offer activities to use all senses, to problem-solve and learn through exploration.



Our program reinforces cognitive skills through the activities provided in our enriched environment (games to promote language and color recognition, counting when building with blocks, making predictions with science experiments, creativity in use of materials).



As a cooperative parenting education program, our goal is to build a community of support between parents and to provide an enriched environment where babies and toddlers can engage in play and creativity with their peers.

Enriching and Supporting Families for over 30 Years!

Since 1988 families have been playing, learning, and exploring at Woodinville Toddler Group. 

Woodinville Toddler Group Tours & Open House

Thank you to those that attended our Spring Open House.

Stay tuned for the date of our Fall Open House.

You'll have a chance to tour the classrooms and hear about what a typical class is like while your toddler plays. You'll learn about the age-specific curriculum, parent education, and weekend events & activities that WTG offers.

A WTG teacher and volunteer parent board members will be there to answer any questions and share more of what it's like to be part of a cooperative education program. We hope to see you there!

Open House will be ONSITE:

18900 168th Avenue NE, Woodinville 98072

(Woodinville Toddler Group is located at Northshore United Church of Christ. WTG operates independently of the church.)

For any questions, please contact our WTG Vice President at vp@woodinvilletoddlergroup.com

Join us for the 2025-2026 School Year!

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opens March 3rd! Detailed registration instructions and class offerings can be viewed on the Registration page of the website or on the registration form. The online registration form is mobile-friendly.

Find your Village at Woodinville Toddler Group

Many families start our program looking for an activity for their little one and quickly find that WTG offers so much more. Our tight-knit classes offer a caring and supportive atmosphere for building community, sharing experiences, and growing as caregivers. Babies and Toddlers 8-42 months engage in free play with same-aged peers, art, singing and more.
We all play, learn, and explore together.

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